Xpresspayonline API errors are usually returned in this format with the 4xx, 5xx http status code:

    "status": "FAILED",
    "error": "Error type", 
    "message": "Error message"

Error Type

Below are the list of error types that can occur in error responses

Error TypeDescription
INPUTThis kind of error occur when a compulsory field is empty or wrong value was passed
NOT_FOUNDThis kind of error occur when trying to get a particular data and it's not available in the database
PROCESSINGThis kind of error occur during the course of processing request
Status codeImplication
200, 201Request was valid and intended action was carried out. Note that we will always send a 200 http status code.
400A validation or client side error occurred and the request was not fulfilled.
401The request was not authorized. This can be triggered by passing an invalid secret key in the authorization header or the lack of one
404Request could not be fulfilled as the request resource does not exist.
500, 501, 502, 503, 504Request could not be fulfilled due to an error on Xpresspayonline's end. This shouldn't happen so please report as soon as you encounter any instance of this.